Stockings are my favorite Christmas gifting tradition. Maybe it’s because our family stockings hold so much sentimental value—originally designed by my grandma and lovingly recreated by family and friends. Or perhaps it’s the thrill of hunting for thoughtful little treasures to tuck into those hanging socks. Either way, I love them and the act of filling them with intention.
In our home, Santa brings one gift for each kiddo and fills everyone's stocking—mom and dad included, of course. For our kids, who are 8, 6, 4, and 18 months, I aim for a mix of fun and functional: a game, a book, a few special treats, and toys that encourage imaginative play. If I end up with items that don’t fit in the stocking I’ll hang on to them and use them in the kid’s Easter baskets.
Here’s a peek at what will be tucked into our stockings on Christmas Eve: