Brittany, this is everything 💖 I’m at a place where I’ve been thinking through all of these things, over and over again, and I read this just when I needed to. As always, your words are a balm for the soul.

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🥲🙏 I’m so glad! It’s a journey isn’t it, living in this deeply capitalist saturated world?!

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Love a fellow non prime member!!

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Oh heck yea sister! 🤜🤛

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All amazing suggestions! I've fallen back in love with Pinterest this past year and it's truly such a delight to create different mood boards for seasons/birthdays/etc.

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It’s such a happy place, when social media feels overwhelming in various ways I like to turn to Pinterest!

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YES TO ALL THIS👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️

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🤠 I love this comment!!! Thank you for this energy!!

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This is so refreshing and such a great reminder! Thank you for sharing!! I listen to my meditation app. every morning for about 10 minutes while I have my cup of coffee and wear my red light mask on my mask. Such a peaceful way to start the day.

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Oh Diana that sounds magical! I’m so glad you are prioritizing that time for yourself, such a small thing with a big impact!

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I've just read that bookshop.org is working on selling ebooks. Maybe that could become a good substitute 😊

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I would be 90000% onboard with that!!! 🙌🙌🙌

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Such great ideas! Yesterday was overwhelming with Prime Day everything everywhere so this was a very refreshing post to see!

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It was overwhelming! It was really helpful for me to think and remember these things, how often our culture dismisses the beautiful things that don’t require spending money. ☺️

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Thank you for this! Yesterday when my inbox was flooded with the Prime Day "recommendations," I was like "do you feel your soul leaving your body" when you send out a "buy this!" email?

And I still use Amazon--but the goal is much, much, less. :o)

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Yessssss indeed! I think I blew my own my when I realized I didn’t need a Prime membership to still engage in some of the benefits of Amazon in moderation.

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Love this so much! 😌🫶

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☺️ I’m so glad to hear that Jessica, thank you for letting me know! Hope you enjoy a few things here today. 😃

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Funny you mentioned a dance party! Last night my husband was doing a little DIY project for us (a backpack organization station/dump zone) and I wanted to keep my son out of his hair so I turned on ABBA and we danced in the kitchen while prepping dinner. It was perfect! I've been loving listening to music out loud lately.

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That is PERFECT!! ABBA was a stellar choice 🙌

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