Yes. yes. yes.

I can't remember if you have already recommended previously but The Serviceberry : An Economy of Abundance by Robin Wall Kimmerer is also perfect for this topic. One of my favourites so far this year.

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I have been wanting to read that one!! It’s on my wishlist for Mother’s Day, I LOVE her work. 🙏💞

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Great thoughts and love the books recs too!

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Thank you, Brooke! Always love a little bookish deep dive on things I'm motivated by.

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Timely advice, I think lots of people are doubling down in these uncertain times. We do have power as a consumer (see: today's shopping boycott), and we don't have to be controlled by social media and large corporations. Fight back!

Frugal Hedonism is one of my favorite books--I OWN A COPY. A book has to be special for me to own it (mostly a minimalist here). Reading an essay here and there keeps me motivated and on track about what's truly important in life.

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Yes!! Consumer demand drives change! I've witnessed the fruits of this in the past years with my decisions around what I eat and it truly does work, the landscape has changed significantly in such a short time!

Oh my gosh it's such a good book!! So many dog eared pages and notes to look back on, I love the way the authors lay it all out for us-- excellent motivation!

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What a wonderful post! Thank you for the mention my love :)

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Thank you, Molly!! 💞🫶

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Loved you on Instagram and I love you here 🩷🩷🩷 always love hearing from you brittany!

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🥲🥲🥲🥲 Thank you sis!!!

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*furiously youtubes $0 makeover videos*

Thanks as always for sharing your ideas :)

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Isn't that fun? I love them!!! 💞

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I’d love to hear more about limiting your scroll to 15 minutes a day! How do you execute that? Are there just certain accounts you visit?

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Great question! To be completely honest, I also limit it to the hours of 12-3 when my daughter is napping and most of the time when the window is open I completely forget to go on there. I will pop on via my desktop from time to time and I love finding recipes on there and keeping up with a few accounts when/as I can but it’s really pretty spotty. The window of time has been helpful because it’s also my work time and my chill time so it kinda forces me to consider if I want to use that time on social media.

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These are such great recs--thank you!

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I’m so glad you thought so Marissa!

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A tension for me with buying less is also trying to be prepared for supply chain disruptions, inflation, tariffs, etc that are seeming more and more likely by the day.

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I hear that! For me I also see my reliance on less and working with what I have or can borrow or find secondhand as a means of navigating that as well. And I also agree and understand that tension. 🙏

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Just placed a hold on Frugal Hedonism at the library… sounds like a perfect one to pick up!

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Oh I’m so glad your library had it!! Please let me know what you think, it’s such a gem!

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Feeling inspired! It’s been a journey to give up fast fashion and that consumeristic mentality is so engrained in me from how I was raised but between you and my bestie I have good challenges to consider and push me towards intentional living! Thank youuu!

And even before I saw this post, my girlfriends and I decided to plan a swap night in a couple weeks where we will invite other circles of friends to come together and swap/spring clean our kid stuff/closets/kitchens/bookshelves! Wahooo!

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It’s wild how by-design it all is— I studied marketing and advertising in college and learned about all of the psychology of it all and yet it still gets the best of me. It’s q journey, so glad you have some buddies to move through it all with— that helps a lot!!

LOVE that swap idea!!! What a fun way to connect with others ab d create a broader conversation around how we all have enough and can share and expand on things with reciprocity. Let me know how it goes!!

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Love this!!! So practical, I will definitely be starting a 48hour notes Wishlist

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Awesome, I hope it's as useful to you as it has become to me!

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I love everything about this, Brittany! I've found it to be a fun challenge to see how I can shop locally. I've been loving looking for fashion finds on ThredUp or Poshmark. And I've scored some great things on my local Buy Nothing group. A friend was telling me this past weekend about a swap shop in her town that has great stuff (the next town over) and we made a loose plan to go on a friend date next time one of us is looking for something! It's like going on a Target trip but way less expensive ◡̈

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Love that you are making plans to attend a swap together! I have a friend here who joins me to browse clothing consignment shops and it's so fun to have a buddy along with you.

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Around the kid gifting situation: we used to try to plan fun outings, day trips, adventures, etc for spring and summer when the weather is excellent in the northeast. BUT! Both of our kids were born in that season also. SO we were doing those trips and also birthday parties and gifts.

Now we will get them a birthday gift if they need something new for outdoor activities (i.e. if a scooter or bike was broken or outgrown) but if they don't need anything like that, we give them an option to pick a trip/experience instead. Last summer we went to the New England Aquarium for one birthday gift and I took my son to a Metallica concert for another! This year we are going to the Utica Zoo and booking a "zebra experience" as a gift. It's been a great way to combine the birthday gifts with all the fun we want to have during the warmer months anyway, and therefore save money in the long run.

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I love that! Our kids got a Boston experience from their grandparents for Christmas and proclaimed “this is the best gift ever!”— experiences truly bring much more sustained joy in the long run.

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To answer your question-

I utilize my neighborhood Buy Nothing group.

I often shop at https://mainlineshift.com/ -a refillery near me- for our liquid soaps.

I start my holiday shopping at thrift stores and vintage shops and shop local for whatever can't be obtained there.

Thanks for these other suggestions!

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Love these, Jamie! That refillery looks amazing. I want to do a better job popping into thrift stores and unearthing hidden gems for gifts this year.

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