This seems so simple! Going be joining you on this. Thanks for sharing

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Welcome! I've done it every day of January so far and it's working!!

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I need to do this! Thanks for the reminder...😅

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🤜🤛 I needed it too!

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I’m with you and I also joined the January declutter on Apartment therapy. Organization here I come!

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Haha yes it always feels good to clear out a bit!

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And the Nobel prize will be awarded to Brittany hahaha, this is genius!!!

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You know... you might be on to something there... 😂 maybe reducing the overwhelm of our digital devices could be the key to peace!

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i love this idea! thank you for sharing ❤️

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I'm so glad, Megan!

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I do this idea! I sometimes even just search one month at a time and set a ten minute timer and see how much I can delete during that time!

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Love love love the idea of setting a timer-- I do this for physical spaces but hadn't thought to apply it digital spaces, brilliant!

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I did this last year and made it about half way through the year and then my schedule changed (educator problems) and I never found my grove with it again. But the short walk down memory lane was so good for my soul! I should try and bring it back but at a time that will work in the summer as well!

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That's a good idea, and in the summer your catch back up where you left off too!

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Oh yes! I had a goal last year to take less photos and I think it worked? I haven’t quantified it but it feels more reasonable now? I love the by date idea. I’m doing that for my screenshots each day in school pickup carline since it takes so little time. Every 1-2 weeks I use the app Slidebox to quickly go through photos and delete/favorite them. You can put them in folders straight from the app but I prefer doing that in my own if I want but it is easier to delete them as you can easily swipe through and see the similar shots. I recommend trying it out. It is free.

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Ooo thank you for the app tip, that sounds so helpful! And so so smart to do it in school pickup line-- I like the idea of having a routine reminder!

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“Deleting a photo of my child doesn’t erase the memory of that moment.” This resonates with me so much! 😭 This was one of my favorite posts, Brittany. Thank you for inspiring me to clear out my digital space because it really does take up mental bandwidth. It’s definitely a blessing and a curse, just like you mentioned. Have you ever seen the meme of the mom who has 390 photos of breakfast with her toddler, while the text reads, “1995: Four photos of me as a child”? 😂

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OMG no I have not seen that meme but was literally saying the same thing to a friend last. night!!! It's so wild isn't it?!

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This is wonderful!!! As I am a proud photographer and unfolding that into my daily motherhood has left me at… 209,341 of all photos/videos on my phone!!!!??😮‍💨😮‍💨😭🤣🤣🤣😍😍👏🏼👏🏼✨📸

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And PS-- check your email for a treat! ☕️

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YOU WIN!!!! 😂🏆 Do you have any key systems for organizing them? I mean, Apple keeps releasing more features to our camera rolls (the search feature is wild!) so maby one day they will just have a tool clean it all up for us.

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I love how in a Simple Thing No. 11 you say "I won't even admit how many images I have, but I have yet to meet someone with more", and then in this No.12 you totally called yourself out! I for sure need to add this to my 2025 goals!

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I'm so glad someone caught that 😂😂 what can I say, new year new me 😂🤪😂

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This is one of my New Years intentions and what a perfect and manageable way to tackle it, thank you Brittany!!! 💖

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Hurrah!! So glad it was helpful!

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I love this idea! To do it by date!!!! So much more manageable!

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🤜🤛 we got this!

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I love this tip, Brittany! I am a bit of a stickler about my camera roll. It was a pandemic project to get it in order and I've, thankfully, stuck with it. One thing I find helpful to maintain it once it was organized is setting time aside at the end of each month to add my favorite photos to an album (titled "Month Year") and then mostly deleting the rest! The curation of those albums brings me a lot of joy.

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I love that approach, Michelle! I do order my Chatbooks Monthly Minis each month and really should use that time to clean up the month, too. I like the idea of a set time/place for it.

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Yes! I put this as one of my 2025 intentions to tackle the digital clutter. I love to make a family yearbook so I do my best to weed out photos monthly (or quarterly 🙃). Another part of my goal is to do something with all the video clips to compile and make them watchable! Anybody have tips for this?!

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I love 1 second every day!! I love how it only gives you access to each days videos— makes the process really easy! And then you have a fun video with all the clips that feels manageable to enjoy

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Me and my 68,485 photos will be joining you in this daily exercise. 😂 It feels light, doable, and I love the idea of revisiting what happened on this date!

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🤜🤛 let’s do this!!

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